Error while rendering "Components.Sitemap" to "react_0HNATNOH8E7H5": Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. at yn (/app/wwwroot/dist-server/react.js:2:64500) at vn (/app/wwwroot/dist-server/react.js:2:65533) at En (/app/wwwroot/dist-server/react.js:2:68926) at Immediate._onImmediate (/app/wwwroot/dist-server/react.js:2:76118) at process.processImmediate (node:internal/timers:483:21)
at NodeReact.ReactConfiguration.<>c.<.ctor>b__0_1(Exception ex, String ComponentName, String ContainerId) at NodeReact.Components.ReactComponent.RenderHtml() at NodeReact.AspNetCore.HtmlHelperExtensions.ReactAsync[T](IHtmlHelper htmlHelper, String componentName, T props, String htmlTag, String containerId, Boolean clientOnly, Boolean serverOnly, String containerClass, Action`3 exceptionHandler, Boolean bootstrapInPlace, BootstrapScriptContent bootstrapScriptContentProvider) at Dept.CachedReact.CachedReactViewRenderer.RenderComponentToHtml(IHtmlHelper htmlHelper, String componentName, Object props, String containerId, String htmlTag, String containerClass, Boolean clientOnly, Boolean serverOnly) in /home/vsts/work/1/s/src/Dept.CachedReact/CachedReactViewRenderer.cs:line 103 at Dept.CachedReact.CachedReactViewRenderer.GetServerSide(IHtmlHelper htmlHelper, String componentName, Object props, String htmlTag, String containerClass, Boolean clientOnly, Boolean serverOnly) in /home/vsts/work/1/s/src/Dept.CachedReact/CachedReactViewRenderer.cs:line 76 at AspNetCoreGeneratedDocument.Views_Shared_React.ExecuteAsync() in /home/vsts/work/1/s/src/Maybourne.Optimizely.Web/Views/Shared/React.cshtml:line 28
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"/en/claridge/test-pages/GenericLandingPage" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-09 - ListingPage", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/ListingPage" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-10 - ContentPage", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/ContentPage" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-10 - ContentPage - Press Releases", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/content-page-press-releases" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-11 - ArticleDetailPage", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/ArticleDetailPage" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-12 - BookingEntryPage", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/BookingEntryPage" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-14 - JobListingPage", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/JobListingPage" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-15 - JobDetailPage", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/JobDetailPage" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-2 - Location Landing Destination Page", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/LocationLandingDestinationPage" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-2 - Location Landing Hotels Page", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/LocationLandingHotelsPage" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-2 - Location Landing Residence Page", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/LocationLandingResidencePage" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-23 - RoomDetailPage", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/RoomDetailPage" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-3 - GeneralListingPage", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/GeneralListingPage" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-4 - AmenityLandingPage", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/AmenityLandingPage" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-5 - ContactPage - Contact", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/ContactPage" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-5 - ContactPage - GDS", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/ContactPageGds" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-5 - ContactPage - Press", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/ContactPagePress" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-6 - ImmersiveDestinationDetailPage", "url": "/en/claridge/test-pages/ImmersiveDestinationDetailPage1" }, { "depth": 3, "text": "PT-7 - HotelContactPage", "url": 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